Following the controversial calling in of the Kidbrooke Station Square planning application by Sadiq Khan, the Labour Mayor of London, Louie has submitted a formal objection on the behalf of concerned local residents.
A copy of Louie's letter to Deputy Mayor Jules Pipe is below.
Dear Mr Pipe,
I write this letter to express my objections to the Kidbrooke Station Square planning application, which you have delegated authority to determine following the Mayor of London’s decision to call in the application.
As you will already be aware, the original application for this 20-storey development was refused locally for a number of important reasons, such as the impact of the proposed development on local residents and the inadequacy of local transport to support such a sizable development.
The original decision to refuse continues to be supported by local people who understandably are concerned by the impact the application will have on local services, transport capacity and the character of the area.
Very few people locally would agree with your officer’s report where it states, “the area has a good level of transport infrastructure provision…” and I am afraid it again shows a lack of understanding by City Hall planners of South East London’s transport needs. We are in desperate need for additional capacity on train services, particularly during peak times, and the addition of 619 more residential units in Kidbrooke will add to the issues faced by all commuters. The figures included from Transport for London (TFL) in the original submission have very little substance or evidence to support them and I hope they will be treated accordingly.
Additionally, any sizable development in this location needs to consider the impact on social infrastructure, such as education and health, but also the need for family sized affordable homes.
To conclude, I believe passionately that City Hall and the Mayor of London should not ignore the concerns of local people regarding this case and that the original planning refusal be upheld. Given your experience, I hope that you will hear these concerns and consider carefully whether it is appropriate to overrule the local planning authority, particularly given the involvement of TFL in this application and the role of the Mayor as Chairman of TFL.
Yours sincerely,
Louie French
Conservative Candidate for Eltham